"To see the world from numbers!"

About Us

This web site is to show the world that if we can do this, so can you! See the beauty of maths! We have done many projections out in our career. We have got an award for the succesful project done by us. There are more up coming events, and i promise we will make do a betterment for the mathemathics universe.

We are gone have a fair in which we are representing our project. Please do visit.

Venue: Oman, Muscat, Al Wadi Al Kabir, Sri ankan School-Muscat.

Address: (Currently unavailable)

Date: 14 of March, 2012.

History of project

This was the day when we found our selves incredible. Sunny, cold morning, 6th January, 9:45 am, it was our Mathamatics period. We never knew what we were doing. It was a dream never even thought of ever in my life! My partner stood up and told him that we wanted to present a project on something he had told us about on the first day of our class. "Please come forwrd". My partner pushed me instead of going himself. He knew i was shy but pushed me front! I was confused... "The universe is very big that we our self's havn't seen it completely. Our world genius scientists have never found the solution to what I and my partner have!", I said. "Today we are gona present a project done by us in these past few days. First of all i would like to have a volanteir to represent the class. Better if is a excellent student who is good in calculations. Ok so.., we start by taking a number from the student... He said 1947. I told him to find wether it is a prime number or not? He took 15 minutes to find the answer. When it was my turn i took only 15 seconds!"

Our users

We need more likes to make the world know about us. Help us make contacts with the Universities. For that you can send us a feedback .You can like us on twitter or on facebook, on these links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrimeNumbers1

And on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrimeFreaks .


Saad Ashfaq


Muscat, Oman

(Please contact if in very need)

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